Completely new, extra reinforced driving mechanics
New stronger drives make it possible to cut harder Rohlex’s (German silver) when available. We have completely replaced the mechanics on the new V8 easy entrie making it a stronger more robust machine and dispensing with the need to use the travelling screw.
The small black box in the rear contains the complete micro-controller, if there is a new update we simply send you a replacement box just plug it in for easy updates.
No screwdriver!
The Rohlex can be fitted quite easily by hand with the new knobs provided, the new carriage is made of aluminium which keeps the Rohlex pleasantly cool after cutting.
Prepared for new profiles
The new easy entrie V8 has a longer axis which will allow us in the future to produce keys with new profiles by simply updating the software box.
Faster and stronger
We have upgraded the motor, now it takes 5 minutes to cut a profile only half the time of the V3 machine.